Friday, 8 July 2016

Frequent thoughts

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I never got diabetes. Would I be as obsessed as I was with sweets, would I be extremely overweight by now…would I even care how much I weighed or how I looked? How many carbs are in a piece of chocolate? Would I even know what carbs really are and other than what we learnt in biology? Would I know how each macronutrient affected my body? Would I be as healthy and active as I am right now…what about the way I process my thoughts would that be easier? Would I be less of a worrier and an over thinker? I just wish I had some answers sometimes…do I really deserve all the pricks and pokes and appointments? Do I deserve feeling crappy when dealing with a blood sugar rollercoaster? Do I deserve any of what diabetes brings? If I never got diabetes would I have stumbled across my strength? Would I have met all the great people that came across my life cause of diabetes? Would I have touched people’s life without dealing with this disease? Would I still want to become a dietician or be interested in food and nutrition? Would I even know what diabetes is without having it? I know God has a plan and everything happens for a reason. I know I have the strength to beat this disease and mostly I know there is a reason for getting this disease. I know I have managed to help people and inspire others, touch people's lives and prove to myself that I can achieve more than I believe. I know this disease has made me healthier (in some way) and much stronger and dependent than I had ever imagined. It is all part of a plan!

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