Monday, 25 July 2016

Asking For Help

Me being me, I've always been independent and wanting to learn and do things on my own. I love helping people and offering a hand whenever I could however, I don't like asking for help especially when it comes to diabetes, for a couple reasons. Firstly, I feel like I'm bothering the person and secondly, I feel weak and unable to care for my own diabetes. 

 A while ago during a bootcamp class I dropped low in which my blood sugar would not rise. I treated as I should however, my blood sugar was quite stubborn. I sat silently in the corner without asking for help despite needing it as I was feeling really low and unwell but I feared to ask for help and waited till my instructor noticed me and came over and helped. 

Another incident was a month ago on a sailing trip I went on. My blood sugars were constantly going low and although I was frustrated and annoyed from not having control I refused to ask for help for the first few days until I had a conversation with the cook on the boat who in short told me I should ask for things when I need it. This made me realize that asking for help doesn't make me weak, unable to care of myself or any less independent than anyone else around me. In fact, asking for help makes me more dependent as I noticed when I needed help and asked for it. 

I share this because I know many others like me feel that way. It's okay to ask for help...we all need someone to lean on at times.

                                        Blood sugars during the bootcamp class

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