Friday, 23 December 2016

I really don't mean it...

Very often when diabetes stricks up in a conversation a common complaint or sentence my parents often joke about is my attitude when my blood sugars are out of whack! Or when i'm stubborn and refuse to share anything with my parents about my bloodsugars and refuse to take advice from them on how to better adjust myself to avoid the crazy numbers...i'm a pretty stubborn kid! 

And although it can be frustatring at times for them, I certainly don't wake up one day and decide i'll be stubborn, not care for my numbers and zone people out. The truth is I do that as ways to cope with the frustration of me struggling with my diabetes. Just like you shiver when you feel cold...its just a way your body deals with the cold temprature sensation.

I totally get it though...I know I can be pretty annoying when i'm on blood sugar roller coaster madness. I am short tempered with the highs and lows. I just want to lay in bed and sleep when i'm high and mostly i'm cranky and try to avoid socializing (probably in the other persons best intrest though) But i really just ask you to keep in mind when communicating with a diabetic that seems to be having a rough day that they certainly do not mean to be stubborn, mean or rude. It is just a coping mechanisim in some way as the body tries to adjust to the crazy day or period of blood sugars. 


  1. Very enlightening. Interesting perspective. Out helps me help my son.
