Tuesday, 2 August 2016

The Hardest Part

Very often when people find out I have diabetes they respond with something around the lines "Omg I would never survive having to take needles/shots everyday" 
However, although this may vary for some, the majority of diabetics have agreed that the shots are the easiest things this disease has to offer. A month into diagnosis and it pretty much becomes a routine: I wake up and reach for my meter to check my blood sugar, bolus before a meal and even treat a low while half asleep. 

6 years into this disease though and the struggle isn't the physical aspects of this diabetes as much as the mental impact it can have on ones emotions. To know that no matter how hard you try numbers won't be perfect, to live the emotions that a high and low blood sugar has to offer, the constant thought of this won't go away and I will have to take care of it for as long as a cure is available, to know the future of this disease if you don't take care of it and the burden it offers can sometimes become over whelming and frustrating. Let me clarify, not every day is lived overwhelmed, in fact it rarely occurs...I'm just like every other teenager a goofy, sassy, athletic and full of life 18 year old

On the flip side diabetes help empowers a person and through a life of shots and pricks it has its positives.

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